My Life

Au revoir

I’ve decided that the life of this blog has come to an end. I’ve reached a point in my life where I have life-changing decisions to make, and the decisions I make today will influence the rest of my future. With that said, I need to focus on finding my “niche.” What makes me happy? What work do I want to dedicate the rest of my life to? I can’t do everything, so I need to pick and choose wisely.

I hope one day to have an active blog, where I can share the wisdom I’ve learned with others, but I’m not ready yet. I need to focus on finding my niche right now, which is the reason I’ve changed my Twitter handle to @nicsniche.

My goal for the coming months is to soak up as much of the world around me as I can. I’m going to read vigorously and pay attention with intense focus to the life around me. I want to understand the world around me a little better, and in doing so, I hope I’ll find a niche that will lead me on a successful path.

I’ve always been driven with the urge to succeed, but somehow I lost touch with that drive after college. In college, I had a clear target to aim for: a grade. There are no letter grades in life. You define your success, and I’m determined to find success in this life. However, I know I can’t succeed by sitting here and rambling about how much I want to succeed. I have to get out there and do something about it. Most importantly, I can’t half-ass my way to success.

Great success requires a lot of hard work and a lot of thought. See ya on the flip side.

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